Thursday, December 22, 2011

Secret, but fun!

Several projects I can't really talk about in too much depth, but rest assured there's going to be plenty to talk about soon!  The last week have been pretty busy as I've been working with Ian and Ricardo and Nick shooting promotional material for an upcoming feature film with their production company BackYard Studios.  Check out this short video to find out what the project is all about!

It's been busy. I spent several days working with Ian, Nick, and Ricardo and I'm really excited to see this project get started!  I'll be sharing little bits and pieces of what I can on here as the project rolls along.  So keep an eye out!

Aside from working with Backyard Studios, we have a few studio projects we're working on.  Today (Christmas day), we're actually going to be moving all the studio gear to the Project Tank because on Monday we're going to be tracking a special project at my house!  My latest piece just arrived in time to aid with our recording too, a Radial JD7 Injector.  This week's project is going to be chock full of more win than Charlie Sheen himself!

Even though it's Christmas, we've been busy working.  Troy and I literally just spent 2 hours moving all the studio equipment to my place which I am just now hooking up and setting up to prep for tomorrow morning's session!  Then, i'll be on my way over to Mok's house for a Lan party with a bunch of friends for a bit.  Finally, I'll be back home in time to do stretches!  Boy what a day it's been on Christmas day!  I've also managed to complete the first 3 chapters of my story and am now on the 4th...

However, it is better to give than to receive, so here's a special treat I hope everyone enjoys it! (It's all in good fun, no egos were bruised during the making of this piece).  Click for full view:

Have a merry Christmas everyone!  Feel free to leave comments!

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