
I am available for both freelance and full-time positions. If you would like to work together, send me an email
email: Cameron Bashaw

For urgent matters, please call and leave a voicemail, or text
(be sure to include your company name and job title with your name for call-back purposes):
I have several sites that I have published material on:
My Website: Neologic Studios
I'm on Soundcloud
My main old profile on Acidplanet: Soul Burn
My art and photography and graphic design on Deviant Art
My personal Youtube Channel
Collaborative Youtube Channel 

Neologic Studios is available for projects from all industries.  If you would like to contract us to work on a project please email:
Contact page: Neologic Studios
Neologic Studios also has several places you can follow and check out our work:
Find us on Facebook
Find us on Myspace
We're on Soundcloud
Studio's Youtube Channel

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