Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A Time Traveling Journal

We are all time travelers; traveling through space and time together.  We all get to experience the sensation of life in a series of moments at various relative speeds.  I for one have been rather busy and focused this last year, trying to build a career in sound and multimedia production as a freelancer.  It's been quite a struggle, but the broadness, depth, and quality of the projects and things I've gotten to work on have really grown and been so fun - as if the year went by in a matter of days.

It's now 2013, the apocalyptic quatrains causing so much fear across the last century have finally had their moment and passed (proven wrong, obviously).  So here we are, in the new frontier of mystery.  If the last 2000+ years have been scripted out and we've reached the end of that script, literally to an end of biblical proportions... then certainly the future now lay wide open for ceasing the moment in complete freedom from fear of any certain end.

I for one am curious about a lot of things, there's so much going on in the world today.  Physicists are discovering new elements and particles everytime they smash atoms with the Hadron Collider in search of the fabled "god particle".  Movies glorifying the still-theoretical - but ever-increasingly-more-possible time travel.  I can't help but wonder if it's all just a matter of perception.

A video on youtube discusses the most powerful magnet on the earth, housed in a special magnetics labratory.  Toward the end of the video, they show someone dropping an aluminum tube through the magnet, and as the tube enters the 12 foot drop it's descent is actually slowed down.  So much so, that it takes 2 and a half minutes to come out the bottom, 12 feet below.

"The Future states: there is no time other than the collapsation of that sensation of the mirror of the memories in which we are living.  Common knowledge, but important none the less."

There are people who are near obsessed with the concept of "time travel."  We are traveling through time right now.  Reggie's almost nonsensical dribble quoted above couldn't be more true.  Time, it seems is a concept developed by man.  In his video he uses audio devices like delays and "loopers" to capture, repeat, and manipulate time.  This is actually one of a great many devices and inventions man has created to travel through time.

Another big one being the industry of filmmaking.  We can travel forward in time (Total Recall, either one) to things that may not even ever happen within our lifespan.  A part of us still percieves some kind of reality, even though we know it is not our own.  We can travel to a time long passed, like so many movies have come to allow us a window on; the most recent being Django Unchained; Quentin Tarantino's window into a pre-Civil War era.

I stayed up late last night perusing through projects as I had just finished a field recording session late at night with the help of my friend Troy Reed.  After the usual ingesting of all my gathered materials I found myself pondering the whole perception of time travel, hence the reason this article is so centered around it.  So, this year I've elected to start making a series of blog articles analyzing a progression of my personal projects from my very beginnings (as far back as my recordings and artwork go), and create my own personal "time travel" experiment.

Along the way, I hope to enlighten not just myself, but any others out there in the creative world that the endeavor of creating music, sounds, and film is a journey toward perfection.  There is no such thing as a perfect film, story, song, etc.  Rather, the journey of continually learning and progressing our skills and honing the fundamental muscle we must use to refine our ideas.

Before I start, I shall leave you with one more video, John Cleese - a lecture on creativity.
I believe the things he discusses in this video goes a long way to helping us no matter what profession or interest you're working at.  Whether it's music production or advanced theoretical physics.  I'm sure even Einstein (whether knowingly or unknowingly) managed this system or process to lead to his discoveries and ultimately his life's work.

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