About 2 years ago, I was introduced to Apophysis and other fractal programs, and what was initially a small personal side project turned into an addiction of sorts that comes and goes. Several of these are featured on a couple of patron's sites, as well as being used for album artwork in a couple upcoming releases. For wallpaper sizes, please see the entire collection in full view at my
A Solar System Called Baroque
My very first forray into Fractals. Apophysis 2.02, no post. I'm horrible at math but getting to play with the traingles for the coordinate system was definitely interesting.
I started with a random generated fractal in Apophysis 2.02 and started playing with the mutations, getting to check out all the different types of algorithms available. Ended up with something COMPLETELY different from the original fractal, and then edited the coordinates and weighting to end up with this final image. No post.
Went through several iterations, played a lot with the rotation and crop/zoomo to get this piece to look good. Apophysis 2.02. No post.
Dances With Colors
I can't even remember how much time I spent getting a color gradient I really liked on this one. I just loved the way the whole thing looks and feels with these two colors. Apophysis 2.02. No post.
Ghost of an Angel
Still one of my favorites. I don't know how I was able to come up with something so resembling of a human form sitting indian-style, with wings. It took a lot of playing with the coordinate system and it just came out at random, so I kept it. I used a random pattern generator to come up with the weighting and color gradient, and I just kept it that way, it came out really well. Apophysis 2.02, no post.
Gravity Well
I imagine if one could ever actually see what a gravity well, it might look something like this. Pretty simple fractal, spent more time on weighting and color gradients to get something I liked. Apophysis 2.02, slight contrast adjustment in Photoshop CS.
Liquid Superstructure
Did a few variations on this one, I just loved the color scheme and the rhythm in this one, and yes... used a lot of negative space, for effect. Apophysis 2.02, Photoshop CS.
Nullified transmissions
An alternate version to Liquid Superstructure shown above. I thought both looked interesting. This one definitely feels more like a "transmission", and the use of negative space and rhythm differ enough to make it a whole separate piece. Apophysis 2.02, no post.
Shards of Reality
Never thought this piece would make it but the more i looked back at it, the more interesting it got. I decided on the title last minute as I really didn't know what to do with this piece until the name came to mind. Apophysis 2.02, no post.
Solar Eclipse
Somewhat interesting variation of the Nullified transmissions. A lot of whisps here and there and a rough circular center made me think of an eclipse. Apophysis 2.02, no post.
Solar Flare
I absolutely love how the cloud-look came out in the flare. This can be so many different things. Apophysis 2.02, no post.
Spiral Thoughts
Exactly as it is titled, and often my state of mind! Just kidding... At least, not entirely. Apophysis 2.02, no post.
Stay tuned for more series as I will be posting up all of them on here this week!