Monday, June 11, 2012

Zombie Apocalypse is Coming!

It's been getting super hectic around here.  With all the commercial projects, event video, and several private projects that include building a sound effects catalog, a possible videogame project coming up, and working on a script for a short film project that Troy came up with - time just feels like it's flying by at about 200 mph.

84So just what is this Zombie Apocalypse thing?  Is the real deal coming?  Are we all in uber-grave danger of either dying in some horribly fantastical way or being turned into lumbering, flesh-eating, brainless automatons?  Not likley.

However, if you would like a nice diversion that takes a tangent of this conversation, take a look at Romantically Apocalyptic.

So anyway,  back to the reason this post post-hastedly posted post-Morten.. Wait.. who died?  Ah Zombie!

Speaking of zombies, there's a famous one: Rob Zombie.  Hopefully those of you still alive are back on track with me.  I've been busy working on a little something special in the way of a remix / mashup / mixtape thing-a-majiggy.   I'm doing it because it's cool, fun, and a great way to stay in shape.

For those of you who like plain and simple: I'm making a dubstep  mashup of a bunch of White Zombie and Rob Zombie songs.  Did I leave anything out?

If you'll indulge me, I'll share a preview with you in all soon (hopefully), but the bigger point behind this post will become clear in a moment.  First, a quick disclaimer:  I in no way take credit for Rob Zombies work, nor do I intend to sell or make profit in any way shape or form from this remix release.  This is purely for Rob Zombie fans, and Dubstep fans (or any combination thereof) to enjoy!

So far I've managed to cut up, mangle, destroy, and dub the heck out of about 4 songs crossing 2 of his most popular albums.
  1. White Zombie - Electric Head PT 1 (The Agony)
  2. Rob Zombie - Living Dead Girl
  3. Rob Zombie - The Ballad of Resurrection Joe and Rosa Whore
  4. White Zombie - More Human Than Human
With a growing list of over 18 songs so far, I plan on eventually hitting somewhere around an hour in length for a dubstep mashup of epic zombie proportions!

This all started when Troy and I were discussing what to remix for a fun side-project and Troy put together a quick one of his own as practice.  Pretty awesome for his first attempt if I do say so.

Below I've added a sneak peak of the project in my favorite DAW: Sonar!  I also recently purchased the upgrade to Reason 6... and I freaking love it!

I've missed reason because for a long time there was no 64-bit rewire or 64 bit support period for reason being slaved out to another host.  Well in Sonar's latest update they finally added 64-bit rewire support!

Thank you Propellerheads and Cakewalk!

You should be seeing another update soon as I get further along in the arrangement.  Hope this teaser tickles your fancy... or whatever you have that's interested in music!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Double stacked!

Just this weekend I finally tackled a project I've been wanting done for over a year now.  I built my midi keyboard into my desk!
I had an old piece of scrap wood left over from building my desk and marked it's dimensions to cut according to my existing pull-out shelf I already have installed for my computer keyboard and mouse and Wacom tablet.

Dremmelled off the left piece of plastic casing so that I could mount it onto the shelf.  the PCB board with the midi and usb connections had to be mounted directly to the shelf (a good idea would have been to get plastic washers/spacers to keep from potentially warping or cracking the board) and good judgement was enough to keep it screwed in tight enough.

After mounting the electronics on the shelf board and carving out a section for the wheels to operate I moved on to making a template for the holes I would need to drill to get the keyboard to set into.
Making hole template with taped up paper.
I found the easiest way to get an accurate template is actually just placing the paper over the keyboard where the screw stands are and aligning the 2 edges I would want to be accurately representing where I would place it on the shelf.  Then, making sure not to move the paper, use the screws from the screw stands to punch through the paper and screw them in completely, holding the paper in place. 
Mounting the keyboard, the carved out area is for the PCB mounted under the keys.
After several drillings later, going sequentially larger on the drill bits until I could get the screw stands to sit down in the holes comfortably, I moved on to finishing the mounting. 

Not the prettiest mod in the world, but it gets the job done!  Also, under the desk I mounted some wire holder brackets to keep the cables off the floor.